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Best Online Poker Tools - Our Reviews

on 7/12/15 / posted by  admin

As promised, this week we're going to review a selection of the best online poker tools without limiting ourselves to free programs and websites. We've excluded HUD's and tracking software from this article because you can read lengthy reviews of all of them on our website:  PokerTracker4, HoldemManager, Jivaro.




Flopzilla is a very popular piece of software which basically acts like an equity calculator on steroids. While it's not exactly feature-heavy it allows the player to learn a lot about equity of ranges on certain board textures. It could be argued that Flopzilla is almost too simplistic and it offers only one important feature to the users, but almost every poker player will improve his or her game after using this tool.

Hand vs. range and range vs. range analysis are absolutely crucial in poker and Flopzilla is arguably one of the best tools for the job. This piece of software will help you choose optimal preflop ranges and understand how they interact with certain board textures which is a huge part of every poker player's game.


35$ one time payment for a license that allows you to use the program on two different computers owned by you.


8/10 - Flopzilla is a great piece of software. Sure it lacks features, but the main functionality is sure worth your money especially given the fact that 35$ buys you a lifetime license and every future update.




Continuing the theme of equity and range analysis this time we're taking a look at a great tool for Omaha players out there. Similarly to Flopzilla hand vs. range and range vs. range analysis are the main feature of PokerJuice, but what makes it different to the aforementioned software is that it doesn't really lack in the feature department. 

You can use a built in replayer to create poker scenarios or just import your hand history and make calculations based on it. You can use different modules to calculate the EV of a shove, determine if you can call villain's 4bet with your hand  or dissect the villains range in a bluff catching situation on the river.

PokerJuice can calculate everything an Omaha player could imagine and then some. Lastly, let's not forget about the amazing support, knowledge base and slick interface further reinforcing the notion that PokerJuice is a powerful and professionally made software.


Monthly subscription starting at €29 per month (requires a one-time purchase of Odds Oracle Pro - €79) or yearly costing at least €249 (Odds Oracle Pro license included).


9/10 - This would've been a perfect 10 if not for the steep price tag compared to something like Flopzilla. PokerJuice is still well worth the money for slightly higher stakes PLO players but some users might find it hard to justify a monthly subscription for what's essentially a robust calculator.


Note Caddy


NoteCaddy is one of the apps available in HoldemManager 2. As the name might suggest this piece of software makes notes on your opponents based on the hand history in your HM2 database. You can choose from a wide variety of predefined notes or create your own definitions. The sky's the limit.

NoteCaddy is not limited to your good old fashioned, plain text notes either. It can show you your opponent's bet sizing and timing tells or the graph of his range in certain spots. You can also use badges that can show up in your HUD and help you profile players quickly. Coming up with a perfect selection of notes that will provide you with as much information as possible without causing paralysis by analysis might be tricky and take you some time, but it will definitely pay off in the long run.


$75-89.99 one time payment. Requires a copy of HM2.


10/10 -  This is a very powerful piece of software that can help you gain an edge over the opposition for a fair price without the need of committing to a monthly subscription. NoteCaddy represents a great value and while you do need to spend some time to adjust it to your liking, this is well worth both your time and money.

Table Scan Turbo

Table Scan Turbo


Table Scan Turbo uses the information from your PokerTracker or HoldemManager database to scan tables in search for weak players and help you table select better. You can define statistics of players that you're looking for, automatically join waitlists and run scans constantly to ensure that you're playing the best tables possible. Installation and configuration process is very quick and simple, the software is very easy to use and in case of problems you can ask questions on the forums or contact the support directly via skype.


$19.95 / $49.95 / $79.95 (depending on the stakes you're playing) one-time payment for a license that allows you to use the program on two different computers owned by you.


10/10 -Table Scan Turbo is simple, effective, has a long free trial and many fair pricing options. Great little program that delivers exactly what it promises without costing you an arm and a leg.




This tool is very divisive. Some players consider it to be a snake oil and others treat it as GTO "dream machine" that can turn the average poker player into the unbeatable monster. What is PokerSnowie? It's essentially a set of educational tools based on a balanced and non-exploitative approach to the game of poker. The program quizzes you on what's the optimal play in certain spots against players that are the closest approximation to the game theory optimal strategy users as possible, given the limited processing power available to us today.

Putting it simpler, PokerSnowie asks you what you should do in many different spots against very solid opponents. While this can definitely improve your understanding of the game of poker and in some contexts can work great for you, it can also be fairly counterproductive if you play at a limit that makes using a highly exploitable strategy the way to go. It's up to you to decide if you think PokerSnowie is a perfect tool for you.


$34.99 / $99 / $229.95 annual subscriptions which have different functionality and limits on the number of hands PokerSnowie will let you upload and analyse each month.


7/10 - Given the fact that developers of PokerSnowie have a very realistic outlook on how hard solving the game of poker actually is and given their positive track record (a program called BackgammonSnowie practically solved that game) I think it's safe to say that using this software is a good idea... for certain players. PokerSnowie can help practically anyone to better understand the game of poker, but it won't be the optimal educational tool for everyone.

Table Ninja II

Table Ninja 2


Table Ninja is a software that can aid players with multi-tabling, designed to work with three of the most popular sites: PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker, and PartyPoker. It allows you to use keyboard shortcuts for practically everything from predefined bet sizing to sitting out or closing tables. You can also control the table that your mouse is hovering above without the need to push any buttons in your actual poker client.

Table Ninja can organize your tables, automatically use the time bank for you, seat you at a table with predefined stack size and even automatically register you into tournaments. This software can streamline and speed up almost everything in regards to multi-tabling and allows players to play more tables and make fewer mistakes while doing it.


$9.99 / $19.99 monthly subscription depending on the version.


8/10 - Table Ninja II is packed with features and can greatly improve your experience at the tables. If you're a player that's serious about multi-tabling the price is easy to justify, but if you're someone who's never playing more than 4 tables Table Ninja doesn't offer enough to justify the purchase.

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