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1:12 am Uploaded hand
AJ11:25 pm Commented On a hand uploaded by bigpimponlin
On the River it should be a very easy fold. WE are absolut buttom of our range (like always think about what are we folding here?) and also as i said before, most regs dont bluffraise the river often enough. espacialy not, if we represent a very strong hand, by 3betting the turn, and betting the river.
11:23 pm Commented On a hand uploaded by bigpimponlin
Turn: how do we decide if we have a raise here? Like always build villains valuerange and see if we have a raise against this range. Lets assume he will xr strong 2pairs+, and we should have a close vlaue3bet with buttomset here on the turn, but we dont just look on the turn, we should also think about the next streets evaluating if we should open one more value street. If he calls, we have a very close valuebet on a blank river. If he 4bets, we are very uncomfortable, playing such a big pot with this hand, and just having a bluffcatcher. The profit of 4betting here thin, doesnt cover the loss, if he 4bets the turn. so we should pot control, and just call the turn ip. This spot is different to cbetting the flop, when we just evaluate if we 3 sv. and dont think about the problem if he xr. Its different cause he is way more likely to 4bet here (his range will contain about 35% the time a hand that beats us, and can 4bet). Thats the same reason why we dont cbet thin for 3sv, when villain can xr very frequent on flop that gives him alot of strong hands.
11:02 pm Uploaded hand
2211:00 pm Commented On a hand uploaded by EinervondenDudes
River: WE have a pure bluffcatcher and villain wont have alot of bluffs here. He properbly will donk the flop very valueheavy so he dont looses a vlauestreet against the fish in sb, if we check behind. also he wont bluffdonkt alot multiway with the fish. we are also blocking possible bluffs like A7s, A8s. So easy fold.
10:56 pm Commented On a hand uploaded by EinervondenDudes
Turn: on blanks we dont have a raisingrange but on this card, obv we can raise. And obv we can raise the nuts. Sizin ip is fine too