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7:09 pm Commented On a hand uploaded by eugmac
PF: Hero CC range 22-TT, KQo, A8s-AQs, 89s-QJs (110 combos) Flop I can see a betting range when checked to as perhaps: 44 (1 combo), 66 (3), 77-TT (24), A4s (2) when raised I need to continue about 67% of the time, or folding 10 combos... So that would mean folding 77 for 6 combos, and folding 4 combos of 88... maybe like continuing with 2 combos that have a spade in them, because it allows villain to maybe randomly bluff with 8d 7d with a gutter and backdoor.... far fetched but hey if we're thinking about the most optimal possible strategy?
6:12 pm Uploaded hand
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KQ7:04 pm Uploaded hand